Education Working Group
The new group seeks to ascertain and discuss emerging models for the new standard structure of architectural education in the UK.
Latest changes by ARB re: accreditation
RIBA response re: continuous validation of programmes
New RIBA ‘Themes and Values’ and ARB competencies
Increasing pressures on universities to minimise costs and/or maximise revenues
Restructuring of teaching patterns to accommodate different needs of different student demographics
Overall changing climate re: pedagogy vs profession, and evolving cultural contexts, ‘real’ notions of inclusivity, not just slogan based or short term
Coordination, alignment, avoidance of conflicts, and clarity of guidance between ARB, RIBA, IFATE, OFS, Ofsted, etc.
Aim and rationale:
Seek to ascertain what the emerging model(s) is/are for the new standard structure of architectural education in the UK
Discuss results at the 2025 Spring Conference such that the sector may discuss the new, emerging, standard model(s)
Chair of the working group invited to SCOSA Council in order to report on progress in Oct, Jan and March
Task and finish group, to start with. Results to be presented to the Spring Conference (work of the group may proceed after this time subject to a new remit)
Jenny Russell from RIBA invited to join the group
Current Members:
Martin Andrews
Associate Dean - Global Engagement & Education Partnerships, Portsmouth)
Kate Cheyne (Head of School of Architecture + Cities, Westminster)
Simon Chadwick (Deputy Head of School Undergraduate Programme Director, Sheffield)
Victoria Farrow (Subject Group Lead for Architecture and the Build Environment, Leicester)
Rosi Fieldson (Lincoln)
Tanya Griffith (Course Leader in Architecture, Falmouth)
Manolo Guerci – Coordinator (BA Arch Course Lead, Kent)
Margaret Mulcahy (BArch Course Lead, Nottingham)
Jenny Russell (Director of Education and Learning, RIBA)
David Short (BArch Course Co-Director, Nottingham)
Chloe Street Tarbatt (Head of School of Arts and Architecture, Kent)
Alex Warnock-Smith (Spatial Practices Programme Director, Central St Martin)
Peter Wislocki (Part 3 and Apprenticeship Course Lead, Kent)